ICT Laboratory


Key stage 3

The ICT department is currently offering an integrated computing and ICT curriculum at key stage 3. Our curriculum covers the programme of study to ensure the key elements related to ICT and Computing are covered. Students are expected to cover 2 units of study of the curriculum per semester. The curriculum is based on the National Curriculum of the UK and covers the required strands known as computer science, digital literacy and what has traditionally been known as ICT. Computer science elements deal with what can be computed, how to compute it, and how computation may be applied to the solution of problems. ICT is concerned with the input, output, storage and processing of data related to telecommunications. As for digital literacy, it is concerned with using computer science and ICT to create a range of digital artefacts. These digital artefacts could be documents or computer programmes, spreadsheets or digital images. Overall, discrete computing is an exciting and evolving subject that will seek to stimulate and challenge the students' ability to critically evaluate a range of scenarios.

In years 10 and 11 the Computing and Business Studies department offer a range of International GCSE (IGCSE) subjects to students, including:

Key Stage 4

In years 10 and 11 the Computing and Business Studies department offer a range of International GCSE (IGCSE) subjects to students, including:

  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Computer Science
  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • Accounting

ICT covers the following components of study: digital devices, networking technologies, the impact of ICT. It also prepares students for the practical elements using ICT, using software such word processing and spreadsheets. The examination element covers two aspects: A written paper and a practical paper.

Computer Science covers the following components of study: basic principles of computer programming, the practical application of computational thinking and real life application of these principles and concepts. The examination element covers two aspects: Principles of Computer Science and the application of computational thinking.

Business Studies covers the following elements of study: the business operation environment, human resources, accounting and finance, marketing and production. The examination element is one paper covering all of the above concepts and their application in real business scenarios.

At key stage 5 the Computing and Business Studies Department currently offers two internal advanced subsidiary (IAS) subjects:

Key Stage 5

At key stage 5 the Computing and Business Studies Department currently offers two internal advanced subsidiary (IAS) subjects:

  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Business Studies

ICT covers the following components of study: the information age, the digital economy and the knowledge worker. It is examined through two course works that are internally marked and externally moderated. The first coursework is research based culminating in the development of an E-book using web authoring software, the second coursework is an analysis and evaluation of the digital economy culminating in the production of a range of documents including: an comprehensive analysis of a transactional website and the interrogation of a database. The third unit is an external examination that is accessed through an in lab practical.

Business Studies covers the following elements of study: the business operation environment, human resources, accounting and finance, marketing and production. The subject is tested through two external examinations, the aim is to enter students for examination 1 in January and examination 2 in June.

Fully Equipped ICT Lab

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